Trent Park Golf Club
  • trent-park-golf-club_1.jpg
    • 18 holes

Trent Park Golf Club

Public golf courses aren't everyone's cup of tea but there's no doubt that when you find a good one, you're soon telling everyone about it. Trent Park Golf Club is one of those courses and is very welcoming to visitors, suiting players of all abilities.

It is a par-72 public London course measuring 6,216 yards from the tips and is perfect for the shorter golfers out there.

Trent Park is a fairly flat course, with open tree-lined fairways, meaning you can open the shoulders on the tee and let rip!

The course is a great bargain for the area, at just £15 pounds for 18-holes. Great fun whatever the time of the year and certainly one of the best bargains in the area.

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